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Found 34444 results for any of the keywords communities of. Time 0.009 seconds.
Communities of Practice - The Lenfest Institute for JournalismLenfest Institute, OpenAI, and Microsoft announce $10 million AI Collaborative and Fellowship Program for US metro news organizations Learn more.
COMMUNITIES OF PRACTICE - The AllianceAs a national Media Arts Service organization, The Alliance is committed to holding space for transformative field-wide conversations, co-creation and action. We are excited to announce the launch of three intergener
Building racial, social, and economic justiceOur grantees work with their communities to reimagine and restructure unjust systems—to serve, support and heal people and communities.
IFNA - HomeIFNA is a First Nations-led Tribal Council with the objective of providing customized support to the 5 communities they serve in Ontario, Canada.
Our Stories – Aga Khan Foundation USA : Aga Khan Foundation USAThe Aga Khan Foundation USA helps communities around the world build better futures together.
Vermont Community Loan Fund | Lending & Investing for a Stronger, HealThe Vermont Community Loan Fund (VCLF) is a mission-driven lender powered by impact investors and philanthropy. We transform Vermonters' lives by financing local businesses, affordable housing, early childhood education
IFNA - AboutIFNA provides advisory and support programs to 5 Ontario First Nations to advance their autonomy, develop healthy sustainable communities.
Face to Face. - 12FPS: A Creative AgencyNew Mexico Communities of Care saw a big gap in educational resources for LGBTQ+ allies. NMCOC asked 12FPS to create an innovative video with true stories.
voices home | Free PressEveryone, everywhere, deserves access to a fast, affordable and open Internet.Voices represents communities of color in the fight to protect the open Internet.Voices for Internet Freedom is a coalition of organizations f
Door of Hope Church ReadingDoor of Hope Church exists to share God's amazing message of hope, build loving communities of Jesus followers, and cultivate devoted disciples of Jesus Christ.
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